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Chicken Maker
October 31, 2019

Spooky Walk

A spooky walk through a spooky graveyard for a couple of chicken friends. Truly an image worthy of the Halloween Spooktacular

I'd have more commentary, but just watch the video. It took me hours to do this, mainly because I wanted to look good on what is the first video I've properly done for Patreon, even though I've been at that level for a few month now... The video is sped up and I wanted to give a good commentary so let me know how I did.

Ghost in the Skillet

An old man pulled out a skillet, preparing for dinner. Heating some oil he dug in the refrigerator for some boneless skinless chicken breasts he had taken out to thaw a few days earlier. The man couldn't find them, and turned back to the stove, only to see the terrifying sight of a ghastly chicken forming over the skillet. In terror the man fled from his home.

The Halloween Spooktacular continues.

In Pumpkin

I considered spooky the top priority and what could cause more terror than opening your Jack-O-Lanterns to the terrifying visage of a waking bird.

Bloody Head

We're aiming for a strong start to this Halloween Spooktacular with this particularly gruesome and disconcerting image of a battered and broken chicken head.

No worries if this isn't your style, as the rest of the posts in today's spooktacular will be more wholesome.
October 30, 2019


The evil cultist was all ready for the evil cult meeting but not another soul was around. The bird was wearing the robe and had the stone circle and the purple candle. It was like no one even cared.
October 29, 2019


The fenced in ground was well worn by the birds. No grass grew there anymore.

The scale of this fence is obviously way off, but I think it looks nice. This isn't exactly a realistic or detailed piece after all. I feel satisfied with this piece.
October 27, 2019

October 2019 Wallpaper - Graffiti

In this month's piece I made very heavy use of the spraycan tool. It's one of the most abused tools by new MS Paint artists, since it's fancy. I thoroughly abused it in this piece to texture the wall, draw the graffiti chicken, write the logo. As you see this bird is putting in the effort and I choose to do the same. Look forward to another one next month.

As a reminder we guarantee a new wallpaper every month thanks to our supporters on Patreon. You can download this wallpaper at full size here.
October 26, 2019


This is the website it is so I generally draw generic cartoon chickens, but sometimes I want to extend a bit into more different chickens. Sometimes I do this through art style, but other times I do this by looking at some pictures of a more different chicken. This is a Polish Chicken.
October 21, 2019

Over The City

The thieving bird was about to be caught. Atop the roof the police had it surrounded. No one could have seen his escape coming. The news copter that had been recording the whole chase suddenly dropped a ladder and the bird smoothly flew away.
October 19, 2019


A small set of simple designs. I just wanted to try a few different flavors out and I thought this was a good way to present them.
October 18, 2019


When considering how many eyes a character should have a major consideration should be in how many you want to draw. That's the main decision point in this one.

Purple Mountains!
October 17, 2019


Hey everybody. This piece has a real positive vibe. I was originally planning to do more with it, but I just really liked the way it looked so I stopped. I feel like a background would only detract from it and distract from the simplicity.
October 14, 2019

Pixel Chicken

10x Size
Original Size
How have I not used this title? I was trying to think of something clever and settled on "I'll just call it Pixel Chicken 3 or something" only to find that Pixel Chicken 1 didn't exist.

I've really let basic pixel art and spriting really fall to the wayside of late. Need to keep these skills polished. After all making random pixel art is something that fundamentally ties into this site, and is a skill I had prior to starting the site. The shading came out well, though I like solid colors in black outlines as a matter of preference.
October 13, 2019


The brave fighter treks through the land, looking up at the sky of swirls, searching for a worthy adversary.

He's a vague fighter type.
October 08, 2019

On The Street

Another incident had ravaged this city. The detective had seen too much. He was no longer the soft boiled detective he had been in the past and sometimes it was hard for him to accept that. Looking over the crime scene he couldn't even feel pity for the victim. It wasn't that he wasn't going to find the criminal, but a hard boiled detective couldn't really care.
October 07, 2019

Ghost Path

Welcome to Spooktober, the most spooky month of the year. When travelling this month please keep in mind that mysterious spectral paths are almost always evil and you should avoid them. Please keep this service announcement in mind.