I believe that this is a sketch of a chicken in a nest.
That is all. Thank you for stopping by.
This chicken's on the ice! Like a skater only without skates because it's a chicken you see. It would be absurd to give such a thing skates.
Here is a reasonable piece that I put together recently. I'm very sorry for my recent lack of updates. Since I finished school the days have kinda blended together.
Anyways this is an experimental piece that didn't come out that great, but I don't wanna change it. It's solid.
I am now a High School Graduate. My graduation was actually yesterday but I forgot to post it then so today is good enough.
This piece is meant as a display of the new replacing the old. Noone cares about the bull decrepit chicken in the background. You're all just staring at the shiny new Chicken. That's cause you're a bunch of worthless people who don't respect your elders. You probably can't even see the alternate image that the old chicken is looking out at the kid and wishin him the best.
Also looking closely you can see that I saved the rear chicken as a JPEG in order to give him that lack of sharpness and clarity the format brings. This made the Vibrant bright one stand out more.
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