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Chicken Maker
July 29, 2020

Thief (Sticker)

Continuing the fantasy 'sticker' series we add the Thief. A lot of people seem to prefer rogue for the fast sneaky guy, but this is my preference unless we're making a scary assassin. Color-wise I thought the thief should probably be a bit less vibrant, though maybe it's a bit too dark?
July 26, 2020


I haven't done real pixel art in ages, much less the Game Boy style limited palette. This is something I'd like to pick back up as part of the Chicken Maker skill set.

Design-wise this is a bit more anthropomorphic than it usually is. Your average chicken can't throw a punch after all.
July 25, 2020


The design and aesthetic for this was arbitrary and made up as I went, but it kind of, vaguely, resembles a like Chinese martial artist. Or maybe not at all? Whatever it is, this is it.
July 20, 2020

July 2020 Wallpaper — Detective

The legendary detective, Sherflock Colmes, was once more caught up in a criminal's fowl play. After considering all of the clues he realized the truth of the case. The killer had been among them all along. Those footprints didn't belong to a chicken at all!

For this month's wallpaper I ended up going for that mid-2000s look in the the patterns and styling, specifically the gradient and the flat pattern on the jacket. We've obviously following the classic Sherlock Holmes look, with the pipe and deerstalker hat.

As always these wallpapers are brought to us by my Patreon Supports and the full size version can be downloaded here.
July 15, 2020



Smooth curves(Mostly)



I don't know.


July 14, 2020

Detective Conan – Anime Chickens

It's just my imagination, a sort of empty concentration... I don't remember the rest of the theme song but it's in English. Detective Conan is an endlessly running detective series. By its nature horrible murders keep happening around the young detective.

Unrelated to the Anime Chickens I think I will be drawing the Barbarian-type Conan soon.
July 13, 2020

Mysterious Fatty

Despite being a mere bird the Mysterious Fatty claimed countless jewels and treasures, hiding them in places unknown. It was one of the greatest phantom thieves in the world and few could match it.

The identity of the fat chicken would forever remain a mystery due to his stunning blue mask. In truth it was coincidentally made into soup the day after its greatest heist, countless treasures lost forever.
July 11, 2020

Dark Jacket

He was not the hero of this story, but he could still be counted as one of the main characters. The chicken in the Dark Jacket had hidden for a long time, afraid to appear, lest he be misunderstood as a companion of The Dark Fowl.

This site is largely a bunch of random one offs that I've put out over the years. Every so often I like to randomly tie them together so I think I'll do a few plot(?) type posts. Should probably put a tag on those.
July 08, 2020

With The Fishes

When the boss heard the news he was sure that trouble making bird had died. It was a tragedy, but he was swimming with the fishes now. As he sorrowfully mourned he saw a picture on social media...

More trouble from that damn bird.
July 07, 2020

Aesthetic Darkness

By showing only a single shade of a single color a strong form can be shown. In context of the rest of the collection one can almost perceive the shape of the figure that isn't actually displayed.

I want to clarify for the record that I drew everything for this then close to remove everything except the red. Otherwise he shapes and curves wouldn't be right.
July 03, 2020

Patreon Graphics

Added some new graphics to the Patreon page. I think they came out pretty nicely.

So, consider supporting us at

Chicken Maker scribbles for 5 minutes

Here is the video for June. It lacks a theme, but so did other things for June so it fits in just fine. Apologies for breathing so loud.

I'd have things like the images, but my computer crashed while I was making this